Dental Blog

Follow our dental blog and we’ll update you with our latest news along with special promotions and useful dental tips from Dr. Galaif and our experienced dental team.

Is Snoring Preventing Someone From Getting Sleep?

Snoring is more than just loud breathing while asleep. It occurs when your tongue muscle recedes and your throat tissue becomes relaxed…READ MORE

Your Dental Health Affects Your Well-Being!

Many people may not realize that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body, and you can protect yourself by learning more about that connection.  READ MORE…

Veneers for your “Smile Makeover”

As we get ready to kick off the holiday season, it’s a perfect time to think about ways to enhance and improve your smile for all those parties, family gatherings and photos.  Why not take advantage of what we call your “Smile Makeover” here at Daniel N. Galaif, DDS?  READ MORE…