Dental Blog

Follow our dental blog and we’ll update you with our latest news along with special promotions and useful dental tips from Dr. Galaif and our experienced dental team.

Back to School…and to the Dentist!

The Fall arrives and we send our children back to school.  But as we marvel at how time passes watching our little ones growing so fast, it is important to remember how important dental health is for our children.  We all schedule those regular doctor visits for our young ones, but dental appointments are just as important…READ MORE

Clear Braces to Optimize Your Smile!

At Daniel N. Galaif, DDS we offer our patients what we call a “Smile Makeover.”  Included in the range of cosmetic services we offer are cutting edge Invisalign clear braces, ideal for adults who desire straight teeth but do not want to wear wire braces.

End of Summer Giveaway!

Our Valentine’s Day in office bleaching giveaway was so popular that we’ve decided to do it again. At Summer’s end we will draw another lucky winner’s name – from our facebook likes, which is a $600 value…READ MORE