
Is Snoring Preventing Someone From Getting Sleep?

Is Snoring Keeping You and/or Your Spouse/Partner Awake?

Do you wake up feeling groggy and unrested, as if you didn’t have a good night’s sleep?

Do you fear the health consequences that long-term snoring may have on you or your loved one(s)?

Snoring is more than just loud breathing while asleep. It occurs when your tongue muscle recedes and your throat tissue becomes relaxed. Even if the airway isn’t blocked, the relaxed muscle and tissue can vibrate as you inhale (and exhale, but to a lesser degree).  More than 90 million people in the U.S. snore sometimes, with about a third of those snoring on a regular basis, according to the National Sleep Foundation.  Men tend to snore more than women, and older adults tend to snore more than younger adults and children. Based on a study, Memory Foam Pillow Australia  can contribute to less snoring  during deep sleep. Being overweight, especially if your neck circumference is large, raises your risk of Sleep Apnea and snoring.  But the truth is that anyone can be a potential snorer, regardless of age, gender, weight or health. If you experience symptoms of sleep apnea, you should consider consulting with an online sleep apnea doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Snoring can have several causes. You can read snorebay’s blog article to learn more about it. If it is because your tongue drops back into your throat, a Snoring Mouthpiece is usually the appropriate aid. It puts the lower jaw into light tension and pulls it forward. With that, the tongue muscles and the tissue in the lower jaw area are also put under tension, and can no longer sink to the back of the throat. The airways remain clear, and the snoring sound is no longer heard.

If you snore, and you’ve tried sleeping on your side and various other “tricks” to quiet nighttime breathing, you may want to consider a Snoring Mouthguard, also called a Snoring Mouthpiece. It’s a dental appliance that keeps the jaw pushed slightly forward while you sleep to help ensure that your airway stays open and breathing is easier.

For many people, snoring is a symptom of Sleep Apnea, a condition in which the muscles and tissue in the back of the throat become so relaxed while sleeping that the airway in the throat becomes blocked. Sleep Apnea is a potentially serious condition that can raise your blood pressure and increase your odds of stroke, heart attack, depression, and other devastating conditions.  The gold standard sleep apnea treatment is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which employs a small bedside machine that sends air through a tube and a mask that fits snugly over your nose and mouth.  However, this therapy is uncomfortable for some people so researchers are always trying to develop new CPAP alternatives.  A Snoring Mouthguard or mouthpiece may be an alternative solution for you.

When is a Snoring Mouthguard Appropriate?

You may not be aware that you snore, but if you do, your bed partner may be able to describe in great detail the way you “saw logs” in your sleep.

If snoring is something you do regularly, you should discuss the issue with your dentist and/or doctor.  Even if your partner hasn’t noticed pauses in your breathing—which would indicate Sleep Apnea —the snoring may still be a sign that you should be evaluated for the condition.  A sleep specialist can oversee an overnight sleep test, in which your breathing patterns are recorded in detail.  If Sleep Apnea is the diagnosis, you may be advised to try CPAP.  It’s an extremely effective treatment. However, many people find the noise of the machine bothersome.  Or they can never get used to wearing the mask.  In these cases, CPAP alternatives should be explored.

Studies have shown that a Snoring Mouthguard may be as effective as CPAP in helping to control blood pressure increases caused by Sleep Apnea.  And once you get used to wearing it, a Snoring Mouthguard will be less cumbersome and much quieter than CPAP therapy.

How It Works

A Snoring Mouthguard should be made specifically for you. You may see some products on store shelves, but an ill-fitting device could cause you more problems.  Dr. Galaif will make an impression of your mouth, then send it to an affiliated sleep-dental professional, who will manufacture a device specifically to fit your jaw and teeth structure.  The Snoring Mouthguard will move your jaw to help separate tissue that vibrates when air is taken in or expelled.  It should fit snugly, but comfortably with your upper and lower teeth supported by the device. When the appliance is in place it will move your lower jaw forward. This will also bring your tongue forward and keep it from blocking your airway.

Some adjustment of the device may be needed once you get it home and try it out.  Dr. Galaif can do that for you in a brief office visit, and will also teach you how to use your device and keep it clean.  There will be a period of time needed for you to get used to wearing the device at night. But if it’s effective, you should sleep better and have more energy during the day, and may find this new addition to your sleep routine a welcome one. For an extra dose of enjoyment, consider exploring Novelty Gifts that can add a playful and whimsical touch to your sleep routine.

A follow-up sleep study may be recommended a few months after you make your own mattress and also after you start wearing your Snoring Mouthguard to see if it’s making a difference with your snoring and/or Sleep Apnea.  Many Snoring Mouthguard devices have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as a legitimate treatment among a growing field of CPAP alternatives.

Once you have chosen a certain snoring mouthpiece to prevent snoring, there is one other important point to consider – if you wear the mouthpiece every night, recommended for a lasting therapeutic success, you should also maintain good oral hygiene. Small nutrient particles and leftover food that remain in the oral cavity at night, due to inattentive tooth brushing, make a welcome feast for oral flora bacteria. When also pressed against the teeth by the splint, bacteria find excellent conditions to propagate.  This can eventually damage your teeth and lead to decay.

Snoring mouthpieces should be cleaned daily after use, and stored cool and dry. For daily cleaning there are cleansing gels, rinses, cleaning brushes and special tabs that can be purchased. For cleaning your Snoring Mouthguard, please do not use off-the-shelf tabs for dentures or dental prostheses. They are too aggressive to the snoring mouthpiece’s surface and would drastically reduce the lifespan of the device. The same is true for toothpaste – its abrasives may harm the mouthpiece’s surface over time.

There are many advantages to addressing and correcting your snoring issues:

 Opening your airway improves air flow in and out of your lungs throughout the night

  • Quality, restorative sleep allows you to feel rested, refreshed and productive
  • Reduce the potential for health risks caused by snoring
  • Your grateful bed partner will also experience the benefits of uninterrupted sleep
  • Days full of promise, as you awake feeling more alert, energetic and focused

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